
August One by sciarra

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Hello supplicants & sycophants,

Where have I been? The beach mostly, on both sides of the country. 

Visiting Los Angeles for the first time since I left a few years ago was fun. I stopped by the iWantRadio show @ Vivid Studios and ran their Snapchat for the day. It was fun but most of you just need to buy more clips. <3 Being on the radio was fun and could only be improved by beating idiots realtime on air next that's in the works. Thanks to Bratty Nikki & Dr. Lovejoy for the conversation. 

If you are one of my admitted (or guilty, voyeuristic, etc) cuckolds, you might enjoy hearing from someone I brought on air with me...

Here's the XBIZ release. You can stream the show on Sirius XM 415. You don't deserve photos of my at work OR on vacation, so enjoy this gratuitous 3 second view of my décolletage in a car that *also* isn't yours.

#GYMTW, fools. 

Speaking of Los Angeles. Or any international city, to be honest. A public service announcement. If you are ever so lucky as to be sitting next to me at a club, bless your soul if I do not see you throwing money on the fucking stage. Dancers are *working* *for money* and you are occupying real estate intended for *revenue streams* during the time that labor is being performed. Gross. I am completely unhinged and will humiliate you publicly until you dribble out of the soggy contents of your wallet and disappear from the venue. <3

Moving on. 

I'm moving. Back to New York. I will be available to take your money away from you there.


I have a queue of footage to edit. Motivate me. They may be my last round of "clips" in the format in which clips exist. However, due to ongoing monetization challenges that erotic content still faces, risk does not favor development of my own gateway again circa 2014. But for now: 

Top Selling in July: Spending Makes You Come. 


You lead a fucked up life.

You probably don't get to talk much about your...habits. Who would believe you, even? When you tell them that your cock only gets hard when you spend...But it's true. And you need to pay. It doesn't really matter how frequently you pay. All that matters is that you want you. You want to pay. Deeply. Now. Part of the struggle...what prolongs your that you try to hold on to "your" money. But that's the thing. It isn't yours. That's why it wants to come to me. You want to come to me.

And spending is what makes you come...///

I recently passed the 200 clips mark. Thank me in hard currency. <3

Now. Back to being a mouthy bitch on the internet.

It's been a month since @BARDOTSMITH was suspended on twitter for being a very bad girl...And I'm already back in the twitter oubliette.... Twitter recently gaslit everyone by saying that they don't "shadowban" accounts. But I'm a math psycho with numbers. And, they do. It's not just my account, which has too short of a history to make any provable point. But in summary:  Jack Dorsey remains an unfuckable, nazi loser and coward.

There are obvious personal distribution challenges for my...propaganda. But I am getting around this w strategy Too Distributed for Death. Unfortunately for you, as has been the case for years, my work is designed to generate fractals. I myself exist in a number of capacities, covers, and modes. Chances are increasingly good that you've crossed my work or analysis of it in the world without knowing that I installed it. To assist me in not dying through this critical phase, I am employing the service of @laaaaaaaaani. I pay her, but YYOOOUUUUUU can ALSO fund her admin & dev fees for me so we can BOTH GET MORE DONE. GREAT. THANK YOU. #GYMTW. 

Relatedly, My own network infrastructure as it exists from the perspective of search & conversion has been disrupted severely in the past few weeks so I have a full time development job in order to resurrect and redirect (*cough* monetize). Offer labor, skills, $$$, in ways that *benefit me* or be quiet. By the way, it's sickening that so many of you lurkers & chronic dick beaters persist in your parasitic consumption of other human beings in general whilst they withstand assault for producing the same work you seem to feel entitled to diddle yourselves to for free. It's almost like those attitudes are connected. Oh right. They are.

Fuck off. You're all in debt.

Anyway. Perenially. Don't bother me in DMs or *literally fucking anywhere* on the internet or off without approaching with a gift. You are an unknown member of an audience peering through a keyhole through which you are observing a slice of *my* life. It is certainly not symmetrical. Therefore, approaching me without making an offering as testament to that fact alone is incredibly rude and bumbling. Again, gross. 

If you have contributed nothing to my life, you should have the dignity to remain invisible to me as a result. But furthermore, speaking unemotionally, time is *absurdly* precious. I am not going to run a time deficit in my operations because you're "interested" in saying words @ me but not interested in paying me to listen to them. I am not interested in talking to parasitic voyeurs at all. Ever. About anything. As you can see, I remain quite busy for that. 

Now. Good boys, cuckolds, and financial masochists can always lock up their cocks and call my cell phone:

With my move approaching, try to be useful and if you're utterly incapable, just be quiet.
Mommy is busy.

Xx, Smith.


PS: INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX 4: INTERLOCKING SYSTEMS is this evening. Class is full. See you there. Fuck the police & have a nice day. 

Concierge by sciarra

Boys, as you know, the demands on an executive mind can become overwhelming. If one does not prioritize, process and quality of decisions will suffer. 


If you've been reading long enough now, you also realize that I straddle the worlds. The distinction between vanilla, public life and private enterprise is more impactful for women. Most men consume the work of female sex workers (or civilian women's sexualities) in some form....while the women who produce and conduct that work are usually regarded as deviants for having done that work. Men never suffer for their participation in it...unless they're personally caught in the act. 

And while i'm sure it turns several of you on....the thought of being caught in the act...that's not what i'm here to discuss. 

Business developments that bridge between worlds are driving my focus right now. That means I'm building them through partnerships I form in and of the connections I make in this world and beyond. That means, this is a strategic position, not one of subservience.

That is to say that every moment of my focus is capitalized, now it's a matter of strengthening the rate. 

In order to do this, I am enlisting the service of a concierge. He is a submissive in service to me on this side, and holds a traditional job in finance on the other. He is available to answer brief and respectful logistics questions about service to me should they arise: or @subbanker on twitter. 

My focus will be on profitable and productive engagements only. 

The next post is a note from him on his experience both working for me and serving as a financial slave. A male perspective on a new order. 

Until you spend,

Ms Smith

The Mechanisms of Control: Capital and Influence. by sciarra

Influence is a matter of compelling subtleties.
Control is leveraging them creatively.

My professional experience is obscured from view at this point. Some of it is classified. This is my outlet to the extent that it can be. My training, initially, was quantitative...understanding the relationship that things have to each other mathematically, dynamically. My natural skill is in the analysis and statement of these relationships through language, in whatever manner I choose. 

I am an anomaly. Off the charts. Outside of the bounds of what's allowed, especially for a woman. Gifted. Furious. And, fed up. 

I will make no further apologies for it.

When I started this site, it was an offshoot of my existence. It was a channel of my thoughts on the subjects I was discussing. As an extension of my perennial fixation on the excessive force of capital. 

I grew up in the bubble of 1980's America. By the late-eighties crash, my family had fallen into that burst and the real-estate bubble that followed. I observed my father's contraction and witnessed the effect that it had on the male ego. I spent my saturdays reading the Barron's from as soon as i could understand what it was. You could say that my financial fetish started from an early age. I understood that CAPITAL was the manifestation of power, a function of influence. Not debt, not prestige, not alleged status. Whether on a micro- or macro-scale, it represented choice and leverage. 


Being born female, I had an interesting conflict to reconcile. By 15, I had to escape the blue-collar outskirts. Instead of running away, I secured myself a scholarship to an elite prep school. Academics, themselves, were always easy. I was more concerned with observing the mechanisms of wealth and power around me. I applied it with the distinct advantage of being unexpected, underestimated. A dark horse. I followed it into the ivy league and its secret societies. I quickly assimilated the relationship to the male ego, and my turnkey status in that triangulation. 

Equipped to convey ultimate pleasure. Or ultimate pain. 

With ease, I achieved what many struggle for. I am infuriating. I realize this. And, for a while, I felt insecure about it. I had only wanted to find a purposeful place for myself from an early age.

But, I had overshot. I was out on open ocean, as it were. No longer an object, having achieved a degree of command of my own mind and in the world that most men will never dream to achieve. Yet becoming increasingly attractive as I matured. 

I am a weapon. 

A turning point occurred when I realized I could not apologize for having been given these skills and having created the opportunities to leverage them. I had to take them to their full expression. So here we are. 

I entered the demimonde that is financial domination at the end of 2013. But I had been executing its practice since adolescence. Quickly after I built this platform, copies arose, appropriating my style of communication as it is particularly compelling. They carry on, not understanding that this is no act, not merely a fetish, not meant to be contained in the demimonde itself. But a means to an end, gravity, the assemblage of critical mass.

Beyond fetish. Beyond any one industry.


Those lines are, after all, imposed by the limited to be limiting. a waste of natural ability, in my opinion. While the internet has made it simple for anyone with a pair of tits to perform the superficial machinations of domination, the artform is in the complete capitalization of its underlying tenets.

Financial domination is not crystalized in the seizure of funds, it is not in building a following of perverted sycophants begging you for attention (or worse, humoring them). It is not in status. 

It is the magnetic draw, the unwavering influence of the mind. 

And using that influence to press your full advantage. Elite successful men have been performing this for years. This is my venue to educate the feminine equivalent. In that sense, it is staggering. I do not perform. I do not dress up. I do not "cam" and I do not quid-pro-quo with perverts. I've found that men-at-large are so used to getting things on their terms that they believe even their submission should come with levers which they can control. This is reaffirmed by the cadre of women available online who will acquiesce to the desires of the "customer" online. That betrays the nature of this practice and it is not what will ever occur here.

I offer the opportunity for total loss of control. The purest expression of power exchange. 

The complex power of the feminine is so overwhelming that, even in submission to fantasy, males prefer to retain control of the practice or to contain it and set terms. Society has been built around this, after all. But the realm on the edges of sexuality and power exchange is where men are *specifically* at a disadvantage, easily knocked from their sense of power.

For this reason, even the illicit businesses of fantasy and sex have been contained to the terms prescribed by mainstream business, even when hiding in plain sight. Whether legal or not, they mirror the norms of that world. It is based on familiarity or the belief that women are at an inherent disadvantage so the interaction between she and a man needs to be contained to protect her. Or worse...extorted at a premium for the profit and advantage of men running the industries.

A strong businesswoman can become successful by approximating a business man's behaviors, but she was still accommodating men on their terms. Society has been built around their interests, and here they will find the reverse.

I am interested in total subversion. A freedom of sorts. 

This is not for the masses, the faint of heart. I realize that I am terrifying. That's fine. My practice is sane, but I tolerate nothing but adherence to my terms. Not many are prepared to present at my doorstep, to learn the truth of their natures, to witness the outlines of their vulnerabilities. The dynamic is not sealed before your arrival into it. I could give a fuck less what your cock does. This is not about you. This is not a service; it is an education.

Natural dominance is alive and well. And it's got nothing to do with the superficialities. When you let go, you will experience a meeting of MINDS.  


Do you even dare?
xo, Bardot. 

A Note from a Throne. by sciarra

A note to submissives and would-be slaves:  If you are afraid of truly submitting, you should not contact me.

I am trained in multiple methods to penetrate your mind. I am not here to make you miserable (at least not unless it is called for) but to be served while I use you for whatever purpose suits me. 

I will fulfill the part of your life that is missing. And I will mold you into the man you secretly wish you were.

But it comes at a premium. 

It is my purpose of being to provide graceful feminine inspiration to the world..or to relentlessly correct imbalances within it.

It is an artform. 

I am here to turn you into my plaything to delight me as I require, to use you to serve my end goals, and to require that you endure the penalties of failing to maintain my good graces. I will break down your mind and your body and the last shreds of your dignity as necessary in order to mold you into a more useful and delightful being.

I maintain only the most well-behaved, generous, and truly subservient pets.

I am so very sorry to say this. (Read: not really sorry at all) as I know it can be difficult to fathom all that this entails, but my attention must come at a premium of some kind. I will not let you defile my attention by wasting my time. 

Confusion makes me sad.

Then it makes me upset. Because now, instead of enjoying my life, it is my duty to correct the…condition…in which you’ve found yourself.

At which point, instead of being the embodiment of femininity, grace, and charm, I am forced to bring a very specific type of personal hell to your earth until morale improves. 

I’ve shared sophisticated company and I have enjoyed the same natural abilities in their polite company. 

Turn in fear. Resist in vain. Or Submit entirely. 

(Although hard limits are *always* respected, I have no hesitation in exploiting all of your various weaknesses in order to test them.)

Hello. I am Bardot. by sciarra

A just-less-than-thirty year old alpha. A slightly twisted domina, and tamed by an occasional wolf.

My favorite vanilla skills include business, finance, and hypnotism (go figure). 

I am naturally dominant and love the challenge of breaking-in men who don’t want to conform to the nagging feeling that they know deep in their hearts to be true…I equally enjoy the rare gentlemen who merits time with Me in other contexts. 

In short, I enjoy every moment of my life, in whatever form. Labels are a bitch, and so am i. Read between the lines. 

You may rule the public world, but in private, things are different.

In personal interactions, you exist to amuse and delight, gentlemen. Once you realize that, you are free. Freedom to pursue total and perfect service to a superior woman is one of the most admirable decisions that a male can make in his lifetime. It is the ultimate purpose. 

I am a female sovereign for those who understand my intrinsic and cultivated value. In short, I will have absolutely no hesitation in reminding you where I stand in these engagements. My focus on you comes at a premium. I do not charge for a service, but for making my time available.

And let’s face it: Regardless of who you are, you’re not nearly strong enough to resist. So let’s get on with it, shall we? 

worship, and obey.